Munich Court FRAND Contract Guidance – Munich IPDR Forum Workshop

On February 4th, the Landgericht München I (Munich I Regional Court) has released its long-awaited guidance document on SEP/FRAND patent litigation (find it here). Together with sections on, inter alia, pre-litigation FRAND negotiation conduct and FRAND litigation structure (timeline, amendments, requirements for raising a FRAND defense, etc.) before the Munich Court, the guidance document sets out cornerstones for FRAND-compliant license offers/contracts. However, the Court refrains from specifying the wording of FRAND-compliant contractual terms while suggesting the parties of a FRAND dispute may rely on contract language developed by third parties for this purpose. The Munich IPDR Forum attempts to follow this call and work out FRAND-compliant contract language with a view to the Munich Court FRAND guidance. For this purpose, it is organizing a

Munich IPDR Forum FRAND contract clause workshop

As a precautionary response to the abstract dangers of the Coronavirus-crisis we decided to adapt the settings of the workshop:

As a first step, we will hold a virtual workshop via Skype Buisness on 24 March 2020.

As a second step, we aim to discuss the results of the virtual workshop in person in the near future, if the results of the discussion on 24 March leave room for a follow-up event.  

Language: English

Registration is now closed.

If you are a registered participant and have not received dial-in details yet please get in touch at