Webinar “The German Caselaw on Standard-Essential Patents“

This webinar features presentations of recent academic research that comprehensively reviews the German caselaw on Standard-Essential Patent (SEP) licensing, FRAND licensing terms, and SEP injunctions. Two leading German judges will offer their comments and reactions, introducing an open discussion among the panelists.

REgister here!


 FRAND – German Case Law

Presented by Prof. Dr. Georg PichtProf. Thomas F. Cotter, and Erik Habich


Empirical Analysis of the German Caselaw on SEP Injunctions after Huawei v ZTE

Presented by Dr. Justus Baron





Fabian Hoffmann, Judge at the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof)

Dr. Matthias Zigann, Judge at the Unified Patent Court



This event is co-organized by BRELA Research in Economics & Legal Analytics; Northwestern University’s Center on Law, Business, and Economics; the Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law (CIPCO) at University of Zurich; and the Munich IP Dispute Resolution Forum (IPDR).

Join us virtually on August 26th, 15:00–16:30 CEST