First UPC User Forum

The UPC now being operational and entrusted with high profile cases across various industries, it is high time to establish a new format for an exchange of experiences and best practices between the UPC judges and UPC users: The UPC User Forum.The aim of this new format is to facilitate a dialogue between bench and bar…

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Erfahrungsaustausch III: Stand der Dinge in München

Seit Januar 2023 hat die 7. Zivilkammer des Landgerichts München I einen neuen Vorsitzenden: Dr. Oliver Schön ist nach einigen Jahren der Abordnung als Vorsitzender in die Kammer zurückgekehrt, deren Beisitzer er zuvor viele Jahre war.

Nach dieser erfreulichen Neubesetzung ist es Zeit für das Gespräch mit Ihnen zu Ihren drängenden Fragen:

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IPDR Forum

EXPERT PANEL: Sisvel / Haier –
Die Sicht der Parteivertreter

Diskussionrunde zur Entscheidung des BGH in Sachen Sisvel/Haier mit:

Prof.Dr. Christian Rohnke, Cordula Schumacher, Dr. Frank-Erich Hufnagel, Prof. Dr. Peter Georg Picht

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EXPERT PANEL: Sisvel / Haier
Die Sicht der Instanzgerichte I

Diskussionrunde zur Entscheidung des BGH in Sachen Sisvel/Haier mit:

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühnen (OLG Düsseldorf)
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Georg Picht (Munich IPDR Forum, CIPCO)
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IPDR Forum


Munich Court FRAND Contract Guidance

Munich Court FRAND Contract Guidance – Munich IPDR Forum Workshop On February 4th, the Landgericht München I (Munich I Regional Court) has released its long-awaited guidance document on SEP/FRAND patent litigation (find it here). Together with sections on, inter alia, pre-litig

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GEMA Type Agencies as a Solution for FRAND?

GEMA Type Agencies as a Solution for FRAND ? Ada Sofie Altobelli With the advent of 5G and the internet of things, the FRAND licencing of standard essential patents (SEPs) is of ever-growing importance. Disputes concerning SEPs pose highly complex challenges to state court systems and…

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Agency Solution for FRAND

GEMA Type Agencies as a Solution for FRAND ? organized by Munich IP Dispute Resolution Forum (IPDR Forum) hosted by DPMAforumDeutsches Patent- und Markenamt
Zweibrückenstraße 12
80331 Munich Munich, 12 November 2019 Download Programme here. Download § 15 FAO certificate here. In our…


IP ADR Symposium in London

IP ADR Symposium in London organized by University College London IBIL WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Munich IP Dispute Resolution Forum (IPDR Forum) Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, University Zurich (CIPCO) Blog Disputes in Intellectual Property (IP) are…

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Connected Mobility

  Workshop on Connected Mobility organized by WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Munich IP Dispute Resolution Forum (IPDR Forum) Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, University Zurich (CIPCO) hosted by Max Planck Institute for Innovation…

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WIPO Workshops @ IPDR

The annual WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Workshop was held in Munich this year. The Workshop consisted of two one-day-workshops and was a joint effort of WIPO, the Munich IP Dispute Resolution Forum and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. On November 9, 2017 the…

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